Slowly but surely. Threats wave termination of employment (PHK) began to feel in our country as a result of the global crisis triggered falling the U.S. financial sector. In the manufacturing sector, until last week a number of companies across the country have been recorded requests to the government, to termination of employment and as many as 12,600 people will stopping 1200 employees.
To request that, the team has joint employment depnaker to verify about the conditions and reasons of Termination of employment. Furthermore the team will act as mediators between the employer and worker representatives in order to get the best solution. Hope, not until the Termination of employment.
Situation such as this not only happens in Indonesia. Even multinational companies classmates giant General Motors in the U.S., Philips in the Netherlands, Boeing in France, is making preparations planing to Termination of employment thousands of workers. Many are concerned this global crisis will be worse than the economic crisis of 1997-1998 which was triggered by the Asia crisis. Currently, the crisis triggered by failure of financial institutions in the U.S. notabene which is the center of the world capitalist economy.
Most significant impact for our industry sector is reduced or even berhentinya request the U.S. market and Europe. While this sector for our industry to absorb most of the labor force in the middle to lower layer. Others felt the impact of the decline due to the dollar compared to the U.S. dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro and Europe is membengkaknya foreign debts because the government and the private sector must be converted into one of the three currency. Companies that use imported components production will also be a loss.
Edge of all the ends of the problem is that companies are forced to stop operating. For workers, that means loss of jobs. In North Jakarta, for example, seven garment factories which have export-oriented to the U.S. and Europe, will be in stop and mem-PHK dozens of thousands of workers. From the industrial complex area Berikat archipelago in Cakung, Marunda, and Priok, dikabarkan 50 companies berancang preparations close.
In situations like this is very difficult, indeed we expect to be the choice most PHK end. The government must strive direct mediation in the rescue workers to avoid PHK. Even if the workers might have to merelakan not to receive 100 percent of their rights. Moreover continue submitting claims that are not realistic.
To the labor sector to maintain the beritikad workers, the government can give tax incentives or subsidies component production. In view of the positive, we expect momentum to become a global crisis togetherness government, employers and workers to be responsible and menyikapinya well.
No need to cut up, poverty is likely to increase in future years, but it is important that the government really help with the dignified way. For example, change the model of BLT with the procurement project labor