ATMOSPHERE very discipline and regular very felt [in] Tokyo. [There] no stucking. So that balmy roadway without honk noise, people plus pick at
So go out from Intemational Airport Narita, Tokyo, Japan, and feel berkendara [in] roadway over there, atmosphere very discipline and direct regular felt. [There] no jam, chauffeur overlapping abusively or sound the klaxon ossify impaciently
Different from in Indonesia, [in] Japan very goning into effect [of] this efficiency because labour fare over there very costly. Seen to be, all which can be automated will be automated
[In] station of cart Tokyo even also [is] not seen [by] a ticket custodian park or custodian in cart wagon. Those who will buy the ticket can be direct [enter/include] the coin to device loo like the machine ATM, and later;then determine the route which will be gone through.
[In] Tokyo, there are so much cart station. Secret take the air [in] Tokyo [do] not too stuck as in Jakarta [is] its citizen majority exploit cart as especial transportation medium. interesting, [in] public road [in] Tokyo and also other;dissimilar town [in] Japan, not many seen [by] a motorbike. Exactly sum up the bicycle of[is more amount. This bicycle [is] parked regular and natty in line [in] pavement walke without locked.
[In] morning and daytime very [is] easy found [by] tens of even hundreds of white colars worker imposing white colars coat and necktie defect the road;street together. Partly again [is] young children [of] imposing grooming of like J-Pop. They defect [at] zebra cross provided with [by] the traffic lamp for pedestrian with the stages;steps quickly and impress hurried
[Do] not a even also defect when traffic lamp for the pedestrian of have red sign [to]. On the contrary, when traffic for the pedestrian of green menyala, [there] no car rider trying to overlap. All desisting consecutively and discipline.
pavement take the air especial [in] Tokyo so this bersih.Kota can be spelled out members [by] very clean and balmy and also very far if/when compared to [by] Ms. dirty Town Jakarta and have pollution. Almost cannot be found [by] garbage berceceran. Though, finding garbage-can [in] difficult Tokyo enough. Garbage-Can usually reside in the near by machine of seller of automatic cigarette or beverage.
Global Warming
Global warm-up ( warming) basically represent the phenomenon of[is make-up of global temperature from year to year because the happening of glasshouse effect ( greenhouse effect) what is because of the increasing of gas emission [of] like karbondioksida ( CO2), methane ( CH4), dinitrooksida ( N2O) And CFC so that energi sun snared in earth atmosphere. Various literature show the global temperature increase – inclusive of Indonesia – that happened [at] gyration 1,5–40 Celcius by the end of century 21
Global warm-up result the serious and wide impact for environment bio-geofisik ( like ices discharge [in] pole, face increase irrigate the sea, extension of sand desert, make-up of rain and floods, climate change, its[his] totally disappeared [is] certain fauna and flora, migration of fauna and disease pest, dsb). While impact for activity of sosial-ekonomi society cover :
( a) trouble to function of area of coastal area coastal town and,
( b) trouble to [common/ public] requirement function like highway network, port and airport ( c) trouble to resident area,
( d) reduction of productivity of agriculture farm,
( e) the make-up of risk of cancer and disease epidemic, etc).
In this handing out, focus passed to [by] anticipation to two global warm-up impact, namely : face increase irrigate the sea ( sea level rise) and floods.
Global warm-up result the serious and wide impact for environment bio-geofisik ( like ices discharge [in] pole, face increase irrigate the sea, extension of sand desert, make-up of rain and floods, climate change, its[his] totally disappeared [is] certain fauna and flora, migration of fauna and disease pest, dsb). While impact for activity of sosial-ekonomi society cover :
( a) trouble to function of area of coastal area coastal town and,
( b) trouble to [common/ public] requirement function like highway network, port and airport ( c) trouble to resident area,
( d) reduction of productivity of agriculture farm,
( e) the make-up of risk of cancer and disease epidemic, etc).
In this handing out, focus passed to [by] anticipation to two global warm-up impact, namely : face increase irrigate the sea ( sea level rise) and floods.
Discipline [is] especial condition to [be] successful.
[There] no more important matter in x'self management compared to [by] discipline. Besides its[his] important find the direction and clear life target, discipline represent the conditio sine qua non to reach our dream or execute the our life mission. We discipline have to in developing our x'self ( lifetime improvements) in all aspect, we discipline have to in managing our money and time, we discipline have to in training our skill in each;every area which we select;choose. We ought to learn a lot of from people exceptionally in mankind history.
Discipline in x'self development have to start from our x'self [is] sendiri.Kedisiplinan have to be started earlier. This means us have to immediately start a[n new habit without awaiting circumstance become the perfection.
Out for ever discipline with the schedule program the activity [is] we compile [by] xself. Once we discipline [do] not or delay the the activity, will be difficult for us to return to to [do/conduct] [it].
This clarification bring the us to know and comprehend our x'self, way of altering reality, way of exploiting extraordinary potency in our x'self. But, all this there will be no its meaning if us [do] not [do/conduct] something. Us have to [do/conduct] something for the life of our because only our own which can alter our life. [Doing/Conducting] something meaning to take action first, that is specify the our goals or target and don't delay until perfect situation for us. Later;Then, [do/conduct] non-stoped with the discipline, so that we [is] entitled to get what we wish
Discipline in x'self development have to start from our x'self [is] sendiri.Kedisiplinan have to be started earlier. This means us have to immediately start a[n new habit without awaiting circumstance become the perfection.
Out for ever discipline with the schedule program the activity [is] we compile [by] xself. Once we discipline [do] not or delay the the activity, will be difficult for us to return to to [do/conduct] [it].
This clarification bring the us to know and comprehend our x'self, way of altering reality, way of exploiting extraordinary potency in our x'self. But, all this there will be no its meaning if us [do] not [do/conduct] something. Us have to [do/conduct] something for the life of our because only our own which can alter our life. [Doing/Conducting] something meaning to take action first, that is specify the our goals or target and don't delay until perfect situation for us. Later;Then, [do/conduct] non-stoped with the discipline, so that we [is] entitled to get what we wish
Skill [is] especial capital
Skill or skilled [is] symbol of somebody professionalism. By skill also somebody can face the emulation of[is effort
by skill also somebody can compete in searching good job .
without good skill difficult to can compete in searching job, live [in] metropolis [of] like jakarta,skill very [in] requiring.
[in] economic crisis moment like now opportunity work progressively narrow for one who have no the skill which is last for competing [in] metropolis.
[is] all along the line happened [by] the reduction of employees or PHK,
affect the economic crisis [is] progressively as narrow;tight as opportunity of[is effort and opportunity work.
by skill also somebody can compete in searching good job .
without good skill difficult to can compete in searching job, live [in] metropolis [of] like jakarta,skill very [in] requiring.
[in] economic crisis moment like now opportunity work progressively narrow for one who have no the skill which is last for competing [in] metropolis.
[is] all along the line happened [by] the reduction of employees or PHK,
affect the economic crisis [is] progressively as narrow;tight as opportunity of[is effort and opportunity work.
global economic crisis and price of oil fuel.
Government asked to cut under the Oil Fuel ( BBM) utilize to weaken the impact of crisis finansial that happened [in] United States to industrial real sector especially UKM Indonesia
reduction of price BBM become the step konkret and have an effect on positive to move the real sector at one blow weaken the impact of finance crisis. governmental also need the memperketat import the finished goods and prevent the importation ilegal
Step other;dissimilar which require to be taken [by] a government [is] give the Iease incentive for the company of orienting exporting [of] like textile, industrial go downstream, and labour intensive industry.
crisis of Market of finansial ACE start felt [by] its impact [is] September 2008. " That matter [is] visible from rupiah rate to natural ACE dollar [of] tren of natural and IHSG degradation [of] keen tren depresiasi since September 2008,
crisis give the biggest trap tendency in the form of permanent unemployment, permanent poorness, rampant progressively its[his] practice the KKN, economic [of] ilegal which is rampant also, and " country risk trap crisis
Therefore, strategy of development UMKM as especial activator [of] real sector in the middle of global crisis have to focus [at] matters among other things the make-up of exporting, certainty of[is effort and " commercial intelegence
Others also have to be directional [at] distribution fluency, consumerism, character development, facility UMKM, and improve the defrayal UMKM. " Needing there [is] sturdy industry structure
While to develop;build the sturdy industry structure there must be be hand in glove related/relevant [among/between] industry
but downwards [his/its] [is] price of oil fuel ,the government also have to control to expense of transportation and staple price which go up at the same time go up the price of oil fuel.
reduction of price BBM become the step konkret and have an effect on positive to move the real sector at one blow weaken the impact of finance crisis. governmental also need the memperketat import the finished goods and prevent the importation ilegal
Step other;dissimilar which require to be taken [by] a government [is] give the Iease incentive for the company of orienting exporting [of] like textile, industrial go downstream, and labour intensive industry.
crisis of Market of finansial ACE start felt [by] its impact [is] September 2008. " That matter [is] visible from rupiah rate to natural ACE dollar [of] tren of natural and IHSG degradation [of] keen tren depresiasi since September 2008,
crisis give the biggest trap tendency in the form of permanent unemployment, permanent poorness, rampant progressively its[his] practice the KKN, economic [of] ilegal which is rampant also, and " country risk trap crisis
Therefore, strategy of development UMKM as especial activator [of] real sector in the middle of global crisis have to focus [at] matters among other things the make-up of exporting, certainty of[is effort and " commercial intelegence
Others also have to be directional [at] distribution fluency, consumerism, character development, facility UMKM, and improve the defrayal UMKM. " Needing there [is] sturdy industry structure
While to develop;build the sturdy industry structure there must be be hand in glove related/relevant [among/between] industry
but downwards [his/its] [is] price of oil fuel ,the government also have to control to expense of transportation and staple price which go up at the same time go up the price of oil fuel.
Pete has benefits
As a fruit that create the smell of the mouth and the smell of flatus is not very tasty, Pete (Petai) appeared to contain 3 kinds, namely the natural sugar consumption of sucrose, glucose and fruktosa combined with fiber. This combination of content could give impetus energy that instant, but long enough and big enough effect. Research proves that the two portions Pete able to give enough power to do heavy activity for 90 minutes. Its wonder if Pete is a fruit that is enjoyed by the top athletes. Research also proved that Pete is not only to provide energy, but also able to overcome even prevent some kinds of diseases and conditions poor. This makes Pete became one of the important food in our food careful. From the list below will be seen and known if Pete had this property has a very extraordinary on several diseases.
1. Depression
According to a survey conducted by MIND among patients with depression, many people feel better after eating Pete. This is because Pete contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body be altered serotonin. This is what makes people so relaxing, able to improve mood and generally make a person happier.
2. PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)
If you have PMS when 'guests' come, you should not drink any of this pill, with enough food on Pete. Vitamin B6 is dikandung Pete manage blood sugar, which can help the mood.
3. Anemia
With the iron content is high, Pete can stimulate production of red blood cells and help when anemia occurs.
4. High blood pressure
This unique tropical fruit is very high potassium, but low in salt, so it is perfect to combat blood pressure. Once high, so that the FDA allow the United States Pete plantation to official claims about the ability of this fruit to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke.
5. The ability of the brain
200 students at Twickenham (Middlesex) tertolong easily through the exam this year because of Pete eat at breakfast, break, and lunch. Research has proved that the fruit with high potassium content can help by helping students learn more vigilant.
6. Constipation
Because of the high fiber content, then Pete will be back in action menormalkan facilitate digestion, help to overcome these problems without having to return to laksativ.
7. Drugs drunk
One of the most rapid way to cure the "disease" is a drunken Pete milkshake, which dimaniskan with honey. Pete will help calm the stomach and the honey will help improve blood sugar falling, while the milk will pacify and improve the return rate of fluid in the body.
8. Glut
Pete has antasid effect on the body, so if your chest feels hot due mostly eat, try eating Pete to reduce the pain.
9. Nausea in the morning
Pete eat in the hours between meals will help maintain the sugar and avoid vomiting.
10. Mosquito bites
Before you reach a mosquito bite cream, try to rub the affected area with the bite in the skin layer. Many people have successfully overcome the itching and swelling in this way.
11. To nerve
Pete contain vitamin V in large numbers, so that will help calm the nervous system.
12. Obesity
Research Institute of Psychology in Austria found that the pressure on the job often causes people to reach food such as chocolate and calm the chips. With the view to the 5,000 patients in the hospital, researchers found that most people mejadi fat as a high-pressure job. The report concluded that, to avoid eating the food because the appetite for panic, we need to control blood sugar in ngemil with high carbohydrate foods every two hours to maintain a permanent measure.
13. Stomach
wound Pete used as food digestion to treat because the texture is soft and smooth. Fruit is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without causing stress in some cases severe. Fruit is also able to neutralize stomach acid and reduce irritation with the stucco surface in the stomach.
14. Set the temperature of the body
Many other cultures see the fruit as Pete 'cold' that is able to lower body temperature and emotional mother who awaits the birth of a child. In the Netherlands, for example, pregnant women will eat to convince Pete that the baby is not born with a high temperature.
15. Seasonal Affective Disorder (Diseases great emotional ultimately, can not satisfy)
Pete can help SAD due penderitas contain the natural mood booster, tryptophan.
16. Smoking
Pete can help people who want to stop smoking. Vitamin B6 and B12, which dikandungnya, along with potassium and magnesium, help the body recover faster from the termination of nicotine effects
17. Stress
Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps to menormalkan heart rate, sending oxygen to the brain and set the balance of body fluids. When we stress, the speed of our metabolism will increase, so will reduce the rate of potassium in the body. This can be more help with eating petai high potassium.
18. Stroke
ccording to research in The New England Journal of Medicine, "Pete eat as food from the day-to-day will reduce the risk of death due to stroke up to 40%.
19. Louse
They are like turning on the natural treatment will dare swear, if you want to shut the louse, then take Pete piece, and place it in the louse. Pete was still content with using the tape!
After reading all the above facts then you have to believe that Pete is a natural medicine for various diseases. If you compare it with apples, Pete protein has 4 times more, carbohydrate two more times, three times phosphorus, five times Vitamin A and iron, and twice the amount of vitamins and other minerals. Pete also rich in potassium and is the fruit with the best value foods. Now is the time so you may change the words that have known about apples is to be: "A Petai a day keeps the doctor away" (Pete eat each day will keep you from the doctor).
As a fruit that create the smell of the mouth and the smell of flatus is not very tasty, Pete (Petai) appeared to contain 3 kinds, namely the natural sugar consumption of sucrose, glucose and fruktosa combined with fiber. This combination of content could give impetus energy that instant, but long enough and big enough effect. Research proves that the two portions Pete able to give enough power to do heavy activity for 90 minutes. Its wonder if Pete is a fruit that is enjoyed by the top athletes. Research also proved that Pete is not only to provide energy, but also able to overcome even prevent some kinds of diseases and conditions poor. This makes Pete became one of the important food in our food careful. From the list below will be seen and known if Pete had this property has a very extraordinary on several diseases.
1. Depression
According to a survey conducted by MIND among patients with depression, many people feel better after eating Pete. This is because Pete contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body be altered serotonin. This is what makes people so relaxing, able to improve mood and generally make a person happier.
2. PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)
If you have PMS when 'guests' come, you should not drink any of this pill, with enough food on Pete. Vitamin B6 is dikandung Pete manage blood sugar, which can help the mood.
3. Anemia
With the iron content is high, Pete can stimulate production of red blood cells and help when anemia occurs.
4. High blood pressure
This unique tropical fruit is very high potassium, but low in salt, so it is perfect to combat blood pressure. Once high, so that the FDA allow the United States Pete plantation to official claims about the ability of this fruit to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke.
5. The ability of the brain
200 students at Twickenham (Middlesex) tertolong easily through the exam this year because of Pete eat at breakfast, break, and lunch. Research has proved that the fruit with high potassium content can help by helping students learn more vigilant.
6. Constipation
Because of the high fiber content, then Pete will be back in action menormalkan facilitate digestion, help to overcome these problems without having to return to laksativ.
7. Drugs drunk
One of the most rapid way to cure the "disease" is a drunken Pete milkshake, which dimaniskan with honey. Pete will help calm the stomach and the honey will help improve blood sugar falling, while the milk will pacify and improve the return rate of fluid in the body.
8. Glut
Pete has antasid effect on the body, so if your chest feels hot due mostly eat, try eating Pete to reduce the pain.
9. Nausea in the morning
Pete eat in the hours between meals will help maintain the sugar and avoid vomiting.
10. Mosquito bites
Before you reach a mosquito bite cream, try to rub the affected area with the bite in the skin layer. Many people have successfully overcome the itching and swelling in this way.
11. To nerve
Pete contain vitamin V in large numbers, so that will help calm the nervous system.
12. Obesity
Research Institute of Psychology in Austria found that the pressure on the job often causes people to reach food such as chocolate and calm the chips. With the view to the 5,000 patients in the hospital, researchers found that most people mejadi fat as a high-pressure job. The report concluded that, to avoid eating the food because the appetite for panic, we need to control blood sugar in ngemil with high carbohydrate foods every two hours to maintain a permanent measure.
13. Stomach
wound Pete used as food digestion to treat because the texture is soft and smooth. Fruit is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without causing stress in some cases severe. Fruit is also able to neutralize stomach acid and reduce irritation with the stucco surface in the stomach.
14. Set the temperature of the body
Many other cultures see the fruit as Pete 'cold' that is able to lower body temperature and emotional mother who awaits the birth of a child. In the Netherlands, for example, pregnant women will eat to convince Pete that the baby is not born with a high temperature.
15. Seasonal Affective Disorder (Diseases great emotional ultimately, can not satisfy)
Pete can help SAD due penderitas contain the natural mood booster, tryptophan.
16. Smoking
Pete can help people who want to stop smoking. Vitamin B6 and B12, which dikandungnya, along with potassium and magnesium, help the body recover faster from the termination of nicotine effects
17. Stress
Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps to menormalkan heart rate, sending oxygen to the brain and set the balance of body fluids. When we stress, the speed of our metabolism will increase, so will reduce the rate of potassium in the body. This can be more help with eating petai high potassium.
18. Stroke
ccording to research in The New England Journal of Medicine, "Pete eat as food from the day-to-day will reduce the risk of death due to stroke up to 40%.
19. Louse
They are like turning on the natural treatment will dare swear, if you want to shut the louse, then take Pete piece, and place it in the louse. Pete was still content with using the tape!
After reading all the above facts then you have to believe that Pete is a natural medicine for various diseases. If you compare it with apples, Pete protein has 4 times more, carbohydrate two more times, three times phosphorus, five times Vitamin A and iron, and twice the amount of vitamins and other minerals. Pete also rich in potassium and is the fruit with the best value foods. Now is the time so you may change the words that have known about apples is to be: "A Petai a day keeps the doctor away" (Pete eat each day will keep you from the doctor).

sakura flower appreciate the interest of a natural phenomenon that only happens in this country japan.this flower grow after the winter any country in the world do not appreciate unless there is interest in japan, this experience I felt when 2 months to live in kameido,tokyo and I can be lucky once see direct appreciate the season in Japan
Cesc Fabregas

Spanish midfield playmaker Cesc Fabregas is a brilliant passer of the ball with an eye for goal and is one of a crop of outstanding youngsters beginning to establish themselves at Highbury.
National teamFabregas was voted the player of the tournament at the 2003 FIFA Under-17 World Championship and won the Golden Boot after his six goals helped Spain reach the final. He was a key member of the Spanish squad in the 2004 UEFA Under-17 European Championship, and scored a vital 89th-minute goal against England to take the team through to the final. Has since stepped up to U21 level.
ClubDespite coming through the ranks at FC Barcelona, Fabregas moved to Arsenal FC in September 2003 at the age of 16 having never played a first-team game at Camp Nou.
2003: After impressing with the reserves, he became the youngest player to feature in the Arsenal first team when, at 16 years and 177 days, he made his debut in the English League Cup against Rotherham United FC on 28 October.
2004/05: Fabregas made his Premiership debut in the 4-1 win away to Everton FC on the opening day of the season and went on to start 24 matches as Arsenal finished second in the league. He opened his Premiership scoring account in the 3-0 win against Blackburn Rovers FC on 25 August and scored his first UEFA Champions League goal in December's 5-1 victory against Rosenborg BK.
National teamFabregas was voted the player of the tournament at the 2003 FIFA Under-17 World Championship and won the Golden Boot after his six goals helped Spain reach the final. He was a key member of the Spanish squad in the 2004 UEFA Under-17 European Championship, and scored a vital 89th-minute goal against England to take the team through to the final. Has since stepped up to U21 level.
ClubDespite coming through the ranks at FC Barcelona, Fabregas moved to Arsenal FC in September 2003 at the age of 16 having never played a first-team game at Camp Nou.
2003: After impressing with the reserves, he became the youngest player to feature in the Arsenal first team when, at 16 years and 177 days, he made his debut in the English League Cup against Rotherham United FC on 28 October.
2004/05: Fabregas made his Premiership debut in the 4-1 win away to Everton FC on the opening day of the season and went on to start 24 matches as Arsenal finished second in the league. He opened his Premiership scoring account in the 3-0 win against Blackburn Rovers FC on 25 August and scored his first UEFA Champions League goal in December's 5-1 victory against Rosenborg BK.
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