Discipline [is] especial condition to [be] successful.

[There] no more important matter in x'self management compared to [by] discipline. Besides its[his] important find the direction and clear life target, discipline represent the conditio sine qua non to reach our dream or execute the our life mission. We discipline have to in developing our x'self ( lifetime improvements) in all aspect, we discipline have to in managing our money and time, we discipline have to in training our skill in each;every area which we select;choose. We ought to learn a lot of from people exceptionally in mankind history.
Discipline in x'self development have to start from our x'self [is] sendiri.Kedisiplinan have to be started earlier. This means us have to immediately start a[n new habit without awaiting circumstance become the perfection.
Out for ever discipline with the schedule program the activity [is] we compile [by] xself. Once we discipline [do] not or delay the the activity, will be difficult for us to return to to [do/conduct] [it].
This clarification bring the us to know and comprehend our x'self, way of altering reality, way of exploiting extraordinary potency in our x'self. But, all this there will be no its meaning if us [do] not [do/conduct] something. Us have to [do/conduct] something for the life of our because only our own which can alter our life. [Doing/Conducting] something meaning to take action first, that is specify the our goals or target and don't delay until perfect situation for us. Later;Then, [do/conduct] non-stoped with the discipline, so that we [is] entitled to get what we wish

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