Fish Boil Prevent Stroke

consumption for the fish is healthful. For, according to many studies, many fish omega 3 womb. But, of course, does not taste delicious if the fish is consumed raw. So, most people will fry, grill, or poach the fish with the spices so that they are given more delicious. But, you know that how to make fish with boiled or baked will be much more nutritious than fried?

Based on results of a study conducted by Dr K. Jyki Virtanen and colleagues from the University of Kuopio, Finland, the fish will be fried processed without the risk of stroke. They conduct research on the elderly people. The elderly eating and fried fish without a result, the risk of damage of brain lower stroke so that more can also be avoided.

Studies carried out on 3,660 people aged 60 years and over. They eat fish that is burned or boiled for at least three times a week less exposed to risk damage to the brain compared with the network they are rarely eating fish. "However, a better boiled it. For, the actual omega 3 does not change much," said Virtanen.

That similar findings from research in the United States. Those who have aged 65 years or more and often eat roasted fish the stroke risk will be reduced to 30 percent compared with people who only fish once eat in a month.vice, they eating the fish with the fried or in sandwiches that are more than one time in a week risk will be 40 percent higher for the suffering stroke compared with people who rarely eating the fish (less than once a month). section, with many fish that eat burned, will be more Feed omega 3 fatty acid good for the blood vessel, blood pressure , and reduces inflammation. All that will create a decreased risk of stroke. Instead, the fish will be fried to make omega 3 fatty acid reduced.

In addition, factors such as type of fish is fried, I served, and other food that is consumed with the fish fry that are associated with eating patterns, it will heighten the risk of stroke. The researchers also revealed that eating for the fish more than five times in a week does not seem to reduce stroke compared with consumption of 1-4 portions per week. However, not mentioned how much weight the fish consumed in one portion.

Types of fish that have a known value omega 3 fatty acid is higher, the better to prevent stroke, among others, tuna, salmon, herring, and mackerel.

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