Selenium bladder Prevent Cancer

A study published in the "Cancer Prevention Research," Journal American Association for Cancer Research publication December states, namely the type of selenium is found in the mineral grains, beans and meat, may help in the prevention of bladder cancer is high risk .

The researchers from Dartmouth Medical School to compare levels of selenium in 767 people newly diagnosed bladder cancer fell ill with 1108 people from the general public.

Many of the findings show the relationship between selenium and bladder cancer among women, smokers and some of them have a positive bladder cancer p53.

In all people examined, there is no relationship between selenium and turned bladder cancer, but women (34%), current smokers (39%) and those suffering from cancer p53 positive (43%) have a reduction in light levels with bladder cancer selenium number is higher.
Although other studies have showed a similar relationship between selenium and bladder cancer among women, the study is one of the first that shows the relationship between selenium and bladder cancer p53 positive.

"Finally, if true that selenium can prevent the occurrence of the particular individual, such as women, bladder cancer from developing, or prevent a particular type of tumor, such changes through the p53, developed, gave us about how the relationship can be prevented tumor at the time front and potentially leads to kemo-prevention efforts, "

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