Tricks with the Linux USB Install

In addition to Windows, Linux operating system can also be run from a USB (flash disk). Only in 5 minutes, you'll be able to install Linux from USB.

You can use tools called UNetbootin. To be able to install Linux from flash disk, you must have a flash disk with a minimum of 1 GB.

In addition to USB, make sure you have set the desired Linux distribution, namely: Arch Linux, BackTrack, CentOS, CloneZilla, Damn Small Linux, Debian, Dream Linux, Elive, FaunOS, Fedora, Frugalware, Gentoo, Gujin, Kubuntu, Linux Mint, Mandriva , NetBSD, NTPasswr, openSUSE, Ophcrack, Magic parted, PClinuxOS, Puppy Linux, Slax, SliTaZ, Smart Boot Manager, Super Grub Disk, Ubuntu, Xubunu, Zenwalk.

For example, the installation time using this distro BackTrack 3 Linux and Ubuntu 8.04.1 LTS, with USB 2.0 1GB Kingstone DataTraveler. Next steps installation, as quoted from Softpedia.

1. Download UNetbootin, save on the desktop.

2. UNetbootin right-click on the desktop and select Properties.

3. Click the Permissions tab, check (v) in the box 'Allow executing file as program', then click Close.

4. Plug first USB port to the computer. This is very important because you will not be able to use USB if menancapkannya after you open the application UNetbootin.

5. Next, double click UNetbootin exe file that you have downloaded earlier, then type the password to open the application UNetbootin.

6. Select distribution and version of Linux you want, select the installation type and click Ok to start the installation.

Done! Reboot your computer and booting from a USB-lah. Now you can use the Linux operating system you portable.

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